Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Popcorn Cupcakes Tutorial

I made this cupcakes for my school Movie night, here's a little tutorial on how to make them:

You will need:

Mini marshmallows
Cupcakes (of course)
Souffle cups
Red marker (sharpie)
Stickers (printed)

Ok so get your marshmallow and place it in your hand:
Make a cut half way in, don't cut all the way otherwise you will cut it in half and we don't want that:
Like so:
Now turn it 180 and cut again, we want a criss cross pattern::
Press down on it so it looks like popcorn:

This is the finished popcorn:

Take your cupcake and spread a little bit of buttercream on top:

Place it upside down on top of the "popcorn" you did and press lightly:
If the buttercream hasn't dried out they will stick very easily:

I did the "butter" effect with my airbrush on half of them:

And "au naturale"
All together now:

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